The Sun and the Moon

Have you ever felt an unshakeable urge to try to hold onto breeze; to grasp an intoxicating scent within the palm of your hand; to capture a fading melody within the confines of your mind?

Have you ever attempted to capture a feeling? Have you ever felt something with such a profundity that you want the world to halt at that particular moment. You want the movements and moments that make life move forward, to cease and pause and culminate at that point. You want the perfection of that moment to live on forever.

Today I felt that urge with that severity. And I sit here in the wee hours of this Friday morning to capture that inexpressible rush of gratitude and indescribable torrent of love. I sit here knowing that tomorrow is a hectic day and that there is a looming deadline itching to be met and there are clothes for tomorrow to be ironed and reading to be accomplished. But I still sit here as the cool chill of Karachi winters seeps in my bones. Attempting to capture that tantalizing breeze, scent and melody. Knowing that if I don’t, this moment will be lost in the kaleidoscope of moments before it. The reward of experiencing this feeling is eternal, I know. But I still yearn to capture it in fading ink and feeble words. Because that is the only thing I know how.

And you would feel it too if you had beheld the sun and the moon in the same sky, as I did today. The sun was seated in all its glory bestowing life. And at the sun’s feet, the moon took light from the sun and taught us how to do the same.

I did not know whether to look at the radiant grandeur of the sun or revel in the luminous serenity of the moon. I did not know whether to bend my head to hurriedly note down a point or two of the exquisite rendition which was falling upon my ears which would serve to soothe my soul for eons. Or whether to drink in that celestial discourse unblinkingly and imbibe every drop and store it in the deepest crevice of my soul.

All I knew was that I was grateful. All I comprehended was that I was blessed. My ancestors had done some good, offered some service that I was born in this time and age.

And I pressed my palms together in reverence knowing that doing so would change the lines etched on my hands which determine my destiny. It would exorcise the bad times to come and replace it with moments of relief and contentment.

I quote from a poem I had stumbled across:

Be the light of the moon
like the light of the sun,
and the light of the sun
like the light of the moon,
and the light of them both
like the light of the One
who was before the moon and sun.


22 thoughts on “The Sun and the Moon

  1. Ammar says:

    The first thought which came into my mind on glancing at your topic was; here once again Maryamben is going to describe Yesternight’s unforgettable relay. I have no question on the flow, the rhythm, the unmatched eloquence of your article. Waiting eagerly for more.

    • Xeemarmar says:

      Thank you Janab for your generous words.

      I wanted to write on so many things in the last week, but the dearth of time prevented me. Yesterday I had to make the time because the urge was too great.

      I have not done justice to the significance of the event; but I have tried to capture a feeling which I want to live with forever.


  2. Xeemarmar says:

    needless to say the effect this post had on me…One of ur most special writing it was…
    I just wish our amals revolve around the happiness of the sun and the moon…

  3. Hussaina says:

    0h! em lost in your thoughts! love yur ending and I even read it thrice..
    this post has a power and effectiveness which touches each’s heart 🙂

  4. Tayeb Mogri says:

    Jumaa Mubarak! What more can you ask for on Jumaa Ni Raat than mubarak deedar of our Beloved Moulas TUS. You expressed the feelings eloquently!

    • Xeemarmar says:

      So true, it was a picture perfect Jumua raat.

      Tayeb Uncle, isn’t it fantastic how, where ever we are, in whatsoever part of the globe, we are brought together by this connection of love we have for our Sun and Moon. Thank you for your comments.

  5. Lamiya says:


    I was so hoping that you would write about that great event, (even thought I should msg you), that generous blessing on us. I’m so happy you did justice to the feelings that rushed through each heart. May Allah bless you for your khidmat…..your words are timeless.

    I was wondering if you have printed all your posts? I wouldn’t want them to be lost if ever in case we lose the internet someday…I would like to keep them forever…


  6. Sarah Munawar says:

    One cannot feel a soul in itself but when I witness such moments I can literally feel my soul getting pure and enlightening! I thought of writing on this topic but its such a deep theory that I didnt know how to format and while reading this post I just kept repeating the word ‘Perfection’!

  7. Writer's Apprentice says:

    Wow! *sighs*…this burhani daur is literally the GOLDEN era!
    The Sun and The Moon. Classic!:)

    May you get the ajr of your limitless khidmat!:)

    P.s sorry for the delayed comment. Got time to open my pc after days!

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