6 thoughts on “Saying ‘I Love You’.

  1. Sarah Munawar says:

    Wow! I would like to add my view:
    Why not make your love ones know that you love them all the 365 days?
    About your article I liked the last paragraphs specifically about the friends and Xenab bhen’s saying is very true!

  2. Hussaina says:

    Wow!! haha, I cannot stop gigling.. 😀 :p
    I guess you were in a nice mood to p0st this article.. Its soo beautifully said.


  3. Umme Hani Hamid says:

    Wonderfully said as usual darling….have I said those 3 words to u?Cause I really , really do….u’ve been more than a friend, more than a sis…I know a blog isin’t the exact ideal place to tell u I love you….but what can I do? Your writing has really inspired me!<3

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